2020 4-H Western Heritage
Conference and Invitational Shoot
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The 2020 4-H Western Heritage Conference and Invitational will be held at the Dysart Memorial Range in Marshall, Missouri. More details coming soon. |
Conference Schedule of Events
Coming Soon! |

The national 4-H Western Heritage Conference and Invitational Cowboy Shoot is a family-oriented event for adults and youth. It is a multi-day event, composed of heritage skill workshop, tours, meals, special activities, and 4-H member competition. The conference is open to anyone…including grandparents, siblings, friends of 4-H members – not just those enrolled as a member or leader. However, the competition portion of the conference is open only to 4-H members enrolled and participating in the Western Heritage project in their own state, led by 4-H Western Heritage certified leaders.
There is no requirement that participants be “official” representatives from a specific state. There is no qualifying competition required; and no limit on how many may attend and participate from a state. A state may have 1 participant or 101. A 4-H member may return more than once; and in fact, is encouraged to return every year. No Western Heritage project yet, in your state? No problem - you may attend anyway (but not compete). Come and see what it’s all about! You won’t regret it.
4-H Western Heritage – Competition
The competition at the 4-H Western Heritage Conference has three components and a youth must participate in all sections. There are three age divisions of competition.
I. Cowboy Action Shooting
II. Period Clothing & Character Evaluation
III. Old West Knowledge
Age Divisions:
Junior: 9- 11* years
Rimfire (.22) rifles only
Intermediate: 11*-13 years
Rimfire rifle, Rimfire pistols, and shotgun
Senior: 14-18 years
Rimfire or Central-fire rifle, pistols, and shotgun
Separate divisions for Rimfire & Central-fire
* States separate age divisions differently; so the 11 year old participate may choose the division in which to compete according to state guidelines.
Note: Ages noted above are according to the National 4-H official age – which uses a Dec 31/Jan 1 DOB. If your state follows a different official DOB; notify the host state and allowances will be made to follow your state guideline, in most cases.
There is no requirement that participants be “official” representatives from a specific state. There is no qualifying competition required; and no limit on how many may attend and participate from a state. A state may have 1 participant or 101. A 4-H member may return more than once; and in fact, is encouraged to return every year. No Western Heritage project yet, in your state? No problem - you may attend anyway (but not compete). Come and see what it’s all about! You won’t regret it.
4-H Western Heritage – Competition
The competition at the 4-H Western Heritage Conference has three components and a youth must participate in all sections. There are three age divisions of competition.
I. Cowboy Action Shooting
II. Period Clothing & Character Evaluation
III. Old West Knowledge
Age Divisions:
Junior: 9- 11* years
Rimfire (.22) rifles only
Intermediate: 11*-13 years
Rimfire rifle, Rimfire pistols, and shotgun
Senior: 14-18 years
Rimfire or Central-fire rifle, pistols, and shotgun
Separate divisions for Rimfire & Central-fire
* States separate age divisions differently; so the 11 year old participate may choose the division in which to compete according to state guidelines.
Note: Ages noted above are according to the National 4-H official age – which uses a Dec 31/Jan 1 DOB. If your state follows a different official DOB; notify the host state and allowances will be made to follow your state guideline, in most cases.
Study Resources for Western Knowledge Special Emphasis for 2020
Resilient Individuals of the Old West
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Calamity Jane's Diary and Letters
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