Winter Online Workshops
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Previous Workshops
January 25, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Building Paper Cartridges for Percussion Revolvers
Learn the advantage of paper cartridges for percussion (cap and ball) revolvers and build one during this online workshop just like those used in the Civil War. You will find most supplies already in your home.
Things you will need:
Preparation for the Virtual Workshop
Make your paper cartridge template before the meeting.
1. go to
2. type in top diameter .36, bottom diameter .292, height .96, glue flap angle 70, glue flap size .35
3. for margin, type 0, page size, select "you decide", then page width 8.5, page height 11, resolution 72
4. select pdf, then click on the "Create" button.
5. a pdf of the template should be created at the bottom of your screen.
6. print the pdf on plain paper and cut the shape out with scissors.
7. trace the shape on card stock or some kind of stiff paper and cut out. This is the template you will use to trace
and cut the coffee filter paper into cartridges.
Prepare Your Dowel
1. Make a pencil mark on the dowel at an inch from one end.
2. wrapping the end of the towel with sandpaper, taper the one inch section from the full diameter at the pencil
mark to about 5/16" diameter at the end of the dowel. It doesn't have to be exact, but your dowel should have a
cone shape on the end with a flat bottom. The remaining 4 inches above the 1 inch mark is a handle to hold the
dowel while forming cartridge on the tapered end.
You are now ready for the workshop.
Make your paper cartridge template before the meeting.
1. go to
2. type in top diameter .36, bottom diameter .292, height .96, glue flap angle 70, glue flap size .35
3. for margin, type 0, page size, select "you decide", then page width 8.5, page height 11, resolution 72
4. select pdf, then click on the "Create" button.
5. a pdf of the template should be created at the bottom of your screen.
6. print the pdf on plain paper and cut the shape out with scissors.
7. trace the shape on card stock or some kind of stiff paper and cut out. This is the template you will use to trace
and cut the coffee filter paper into cartridges.
Prepare Your Dowel
1. Make a pencil mark on the dowel at an inch from one end.
2. wrapping the end of the towel with sandpaper, taper the one inch section from the full diameter at the pencil
mark to about 5/16" diameter at the end of the dowel. It doesn't have to be exact, but your dowel should have a
cone shape on the end with a flat bottom. The remaining 4 inches above the 1 inch mark is a handle to hold the
dowel while forming cartridge on the tapered end.
You are now ready for the workshop.
February 22, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Making Pemmican
Making Pemmican

Pemmican is a Native American dried food made of meat, nuts, berries, and animal fat that supplied a high level of protein and remained preserved for extended periods of time.
Join us on Monday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain Time as we make a version of pemmican using peanut butter and jerky as the protein source.
Here are the ingredients you will need to participate:
- 1 part jerky (we are going to grind it into powder, so use a dry form of jerky, not a sticky one)
- 1 part peanuts, pecans, or other favorite nut
- 1 part raisins
- 1 part seedless dried fruit like apples, peaches, blueberries, etc.
- Peanut butter and honey
- Cayenne pepper (this is optional, but some people like the added zip)
We will make our Peanut Butter Pemmican together as a virtual group.
March 22, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Meeting ID: 822 0096 2828
Passcode: 173580
Meeting ID: 822 0096 2828
Passcode: 173580
Homemade Bullet Lube
Bullet lube, also referred to as bore butter, serves two vital functions in black powder firearms. Without lube, black powder fouling is hard and chalky and will disable the action of a repeating firearm. A primary purpose of a proper lube is to keep the black powder fouling soft. This allows a revolver to rotate and a lever action to continue functioning. Soft fouling also improves accuracy as bullet after bullet plows through the fouling. The second function of bullet lube is to reduce the amount of lead a bullet leaves as it travels down the barrel. Accuracy diminishes as lead fills the grooves in the rifling. To fully participate in this workshop, you will need the following supplies:
This is hot stuff. Adults must be present. |
Hardtack for Hard Times
April 12, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Meeting ID: 822 0096 2828
Passcode: 173580
April 12, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Meeting ID: 822 0096 2828
Passcode: 173580
Hardtack is an extremely hard, often square, biscuit baked from flour, water, and salt. It is an easily transportable staple diet item, especially for travelers, and has been used for centuries. It can be stored for long period of time and remains edible. Hardtack is most commonly known as military rations for sailors and soldiers since the Roman Legions. It was not referred to as “hardtack” until the name was coined by soldiers in the US Civil War: 1861 – 1865. John Borba - State 4-H Shooting Sports Coordinator for California will lead this workshop. |
You will have the opportunity to make your own hardtack during this workshop. Needed items are:
Cookie Sheet Cutting board, smooth Flour, white, 3 cups Knife Measuring cup Measuring teaspoon Mixing bowl Oven
Rolling pin Ruler Salt, 2 teaspoons Skewer or ice pick
Spatula Spoons, mixing Timer Water, 1 cup
Cookie Sheet Cutting board, smooth Flour, white, 3 cups Knife Measuring cup Measuring teaspoon Mixing bowl Oven
Rolling pin Ruler Salt, 2 teaspoons Skewer or ice pick
Spatula Spoons, mixing Timer Water, 1 cup
Basic Hardtack Recipe
Cherokee Clothing and Societal Influences
April 26, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Meeting ID: 822 0096 2828
Passcode: 173580
April 26, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Mountain
Meeting ID: 822 0096 2828
Passcode: 173580
Members of the Cherokee Nation transitioned from deer hide clothing to settler's clothing in about 200 years. Clothing reflects what trends or influences are active in a society at any particular time - much like changes in fashion in America during the 20th century. Mark D Parman, Evaluation & Outcomes Measurement Spec and Community & Cultural Outreach for the Cherokee Nation will guide us through Cherokee history. |